CBT is a talking therapy and is the NICE recommended psychological therapy for:
There is also good evidence that CBT is helpful in treating many other conditions, including the management of:
In addition to the above CBT is also used in sport and been found to:
How long does it take?
CBT is a time-limited therapy and the number of sessions vary depending on the problem being addressed. A course of treatment is usually between five and twenty sessions dependant on severity/complexity, taking place once a week or fortnight and lasting between fifty to fifty-five minutes each time.
What do I have to do?
CBT is a partnership between you and the therapist. You are the expert on your symptoms and what you want to get from therapy, while the therapist has a scientifically proven expertise in techniques that aid change. The first step is to define what your hopes for therapy are and, with your therapist, identify and challenge the thoughts and behaviours that stop you achieving your goal for therapy. You will also be expected to do tasks between therapy sessions which will aid your progress towards your goals.
How much does it cost?
I offer a discretionary rate to private individuals, who do not have health insurance, of £60 per session.